

29 de January de 2020


Today, January 29, is the day of visibility for transvestites and transsexuals in Brazil and Google launched the campain #ConviverTransforma – Respeite Meu Nome (#Coexist Transforms – Respect My Name) to celebrate the day.

The campaign video is amazing? Through a poem, it shows how important the name is to our identity and sensitizes to the cause that trans people are also entitled to a name to call their own.

The video is in portughese and as soon as they share with english subtitles, I’ll post here.

In addition, for those who type in Google “step by step rectification of name and gender” or “what is a trans person”, “what is cis / cisgender” and other questions related to this universe of transsexuality, they will provide complete answers to help raise awareness and promote trans diversity.

An important initiative that we have to disclose! Also share on your networks.

* English is not my native language. If you find any opportunity of improvement, let me know. I’ll love to learn from experts!

Photo Bandeyra Nacional – Banca Tatuí.

Bandeyra Nacional by Frederico Costa @bandeyranacional